( 1931 - 2014)

with Joshua Shapiro

(One of the most well known Past Life Regressionists
who discovered a revolutionary hypnotic technique
to be able to speak directly to Inner Aspects of our Soul)


Joshua:  Hello Dear Readers, after findings Ms. Cannon's book, "Convoluted Universe Book #3" in a local library and thoroughly amazed at its contents, I felt it was very important for me to speak to Ms. Cannon directly. Now, of course, I knew she was very busy so I wasn't sure if it was possible to do an interview with her, even an email interview but you never know if you don't ask.

I had been working with one of her representatives at Ozark Mountain Publishing, a woman by the name of Nancy was my contact, who helped me to obtain the interview you see below.  Basically what I was hoping to accomplish was have this interview with the introduction of the amazing series of books in Ms. Cannon's "Convoluted Universe" series.  You will see in the interview some of my question are directly linked to material converted in Book #3.

However my initial discussion with Nancy probably began in the late part of the spring (2014) and until the middle part of October, I was waiting for Ms. Cannon's interview. Ms. Cannon was in her 80's and in the email I received, Nancy told me that Ms. Cannon had gone into the hospital as she had a fall and this was why the interview had been delayed. Of course, like the rest of you, I was in shock when I heard on October 19th, that morning (via Facebook) that she had passed away.  So it is possible you have here, her last public interview.  We will all miss Ms. Cannon.  Below is the exact interview I sent Ms. Cannon via emails.


Joshua:  It is a great great honor (dear readers and visitors to our website) to be able to share this interview with all of you of one of the most amazing paranormal researchers that I know in our world.  She has worked with a specialized form of hypnotic regression to not only help her clients with various personal challenges in their life but also to explore their past lives as well. This individual I am speaking of and who I personally wish to acknowledge for all of her lifelong accomplishments is Dolores Cannon.

As I stated before (on our webpage showing some of Ms. Cannon's books) Ms. Cannon during her many years of regression work intuitively uncovered a specialize technique that enabled her to to speak directly to, what she calls in the book, either a person's Oversoul, or Higher Consciousness (maybe we could even say the Super Consciousness) or High Self during the session with her clients. 

Therefore, because we feel the information she shares in the "Convoluted Universe" book series is so special and important, even vital to the future of humanity, this is the main reason we felt it was so very important to help share Ms. Cannon's books with the general public and those friends we are in touch with via our website. 

In any case, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Nancy at Ozark Mountain Publishing for helping me to arrange this special interview for you.

Ms. Cannon thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview and to help the visitors to our website, understand a bit more about the special work you are doing with your regressions over the years.

First, I would be curious to know, when you were younger (as you are over 80 years old now) and didn't start your work with hypnosis till the mid 1960's), if you had any indication at this earlier stage that you would be so involved in doing such research linked to uncovering aspects about our spiritual life and soul origins? 

Dolores Cannon:  No

Joshua:  Do you, yourself, have any type of special, what we are calling today a paranormal experience, before you begin to do your hypnotic sessions? 

Dolores Cannon:  No.  When I  stumbled into reincarnation in the mid 1960's, the only thing hypnosis was used for was habits and relaxation.  Very few people in the western world knew anything about reincarnation.  There was no New Age or Metaphysics (that existed).  In that respect I am a pioneer in the field of past-life regression.  Because there were no books to tell a hypnotist what to do, I had to invent my own technique. 

The whole story of how it began is told in my first book "Five Lives Remembered".  There was no indication at all as to where this would lead because I was doing it out of curiosity in trying to understand what I had discovered.  I was a Navy wife (my husband was in the Navy for 21 years) and I was busy raising four children. So, my discovery was interesting and exciting, but there was no indication of where it was going to lead.  It took 9 years to get my first book published about some of my adventures.   This was because no one understood reincarnation and past-life regression.  So I had to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with me.  My first books weren't published until the 1980's.

Joshua:  Now having been involved with the spiritual and paranormal myself for about 37 years, I have noticed when a person starts in this, there are two approaches - one either first wants to learn what these studies are all about and doesn't have many experiences at first, until they feel comfortable with there understanding of what it all means. And secondary, there are other people who just are born very psychic or are sensitive to these other levels of reality and have all kinds of paranormal experiences. Which of these two type of people define yourself and why?

Dolores Cannon:  Neither of these apply because I stumbled into it by accident, if anything is an accident.  And my curiosity took over.

What would you say in your life, has been your most profound personal experience or contact with the spiritual excluding the research you have done with your clients including the information their higher self has been sharing with you?

Dolores Cannon:  The most profound personal experience has been my discovery of the client's ability to travel through time and explore history.  (Next would be) when I discovered how to contact the higher self to obtain information.  The next step was the discovery of how the higher self could heal any disease or illness.  These were (the most) profound discoveries along the path of my work.

Joshua:  Ms. Cannon when you began to do your work as a hypnotic regressionist did you have to take a special training for this? Did you have a special teacher that helped you?

Dolores Cannon:  There was no one available in the 1960's to train in this field.  This is why over time I developed my own technique (QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy).  This technique is not like any hypnosis technique out there.

Now in the book (#3) I read from the Convoluted Universe, you mentioned over time that you had developed your own technique of hypnotic regression which is allowing you to speak to the Higher Self (or what I would call a consciousness we all have linked to our soul and our soul memories which is not usually very accessible while we are aware of being in our physical bodies). And further, that you have been able to teach this technique to others. But in your book you were a bit vague about how it worked or what you were
doing? I don't know if you have to keep the technique confidential or if you can expand about how it works
a bit more. I know for myself, due to reading a book by Michael Newton, my higher self once communicated with me and showed itself as a cameo with my face on it. There was another time when I was with in the presence of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull of Love that I sensed an living energy in the room with me near this crystal skull that felt like, the only way I could describe it as a universal intelligence. Upon thinking about this experience years later, I am beginning to inwardly feel that again this could have been a contact with a higher aspect of my soul. So really my question is, how are you able to have this part of a person (your client)to speak through?

Dolores Cannon: 
This is the technique that I have developed and teach.  It must remain confidential as it is nothing to play with.  It is full of safe guards to protect the client.  And all of this is only reveled in my classes.  It is possible that you contacted this part as many people do.  But the method I use we can always contact it directly and have amazing results.

Now how did the idea for the title of your book series, "The Convoluted Universe" come? Why use this name? So far there are four books in the series, are you working on other books? How did you decide what goes into each book?

Dolores Cannon: 
I have no idea where the title came from, its part of the creative process.  "The Convoluted Universe, Book One" was an extension of "The Custodians".  The book was going to print when I decided to call it "Book One" because I had a feeling there might be more to follow.  Yes, I am currently working on "Book Five" and who knows how far it will go.  At the end of each book I think this is the final (one) but then I get more information and I have to keep writing.

(Editor's Note: "The book which Ms. Cannon called 'The Custodians' is about UFOs, Alien Abductions and also the idea that some races of Alien are concerned with the evolution of humanity and working in ways to help us advance as a race and take care of us. Of course this book has information from her clients which links into all these areas of UFO study.)

Now, I have only seen book #3 in this series but to give our visitors an idea of what this book contains, let me ask some specific questions on the materials you shared in book #3.

-- For the people who were discussing a life they had in a physical body on another world, how did this relate to their current lifetime on the earth? Were they in both bodies simultaneous and traveling to the non-human body when they slept?

Dolores Cannon:  No, this was a past-life where they living on another world.  Any session always related to the answers to the problems in the client's current life.  Where you are talking about the person being in both bodies simultaneously is relating to a different situation and this is explained in the books.

-- What about an aspect of the higher self of your client discussing the help we will receive from beings or aliens from other worlds and why do they wish to give us this help?  

Dolores Cannon: 
This information is in some my other books.  Most importantly "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth".  Beings and ETs are not allowed to interfere because we are a planet of free will.

Joshua:  -- What is your understanding of the true nature of God, Creator of the Source?

Dolores Cannon:  This is also explained in "The Convoluted Universe" series.  God, Creator or the Source is a huge magnificent energy force that is total love.

(Editor's Note - at this point in the interview, there is the following message from Nancy and Julia, who is Dolores Cannon's daughter that works with her and co-host their radio show giving the following message:

Dolores had an accident and is currently in the hospital.  Julia and I  are answering the following questions knowing Dolores' work and how she would answer.

-- Apparently this is when Ms. Cannon was taken to the hospital with some problem, which may have been directly or indirectly linked with her passing.  In any case, I received the final answers below from Nancy and Julia on October 15th, only three days before she moved on.)

-- Can you give our visitors an example of the other universes you clients discussed which have
different laws of psychics then what we understand here on Earth.

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  If you are talking about different laws of physics, then some universes have optical orbits and some have square orbits which would have different laws than Earth.

Joshua:  -- And finally my last question linked to Book #3, which is one of the main reasons I just had to contact you Ms. Cannon: in your book you discussed about the idea of a "New Earth" or a "Second Earth". In 2012, when we (my partner Katrina and I) were interviewing a friend who is a spiritual medium, one of her guides spoke to us about the existence of Two Earths. One Earth that exists in the 5th dimension and the other one linked to the 3rd-4th dimension of the Earth. So in your book, this is the second time I have come across a reference to this idea of "Two Earths" with your book being released in 2008. Could you share more about what is your understanding about the "Two Earths" and if you agree one is in a higher vibration than the other but both simultaneous exist. And finally, that people on the lower vibrational Earth (which our friend called "Earth") would have any awareness of the existence of the higher vibrational Earth (which our friend called "Terra").

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia): 
Yes, that is actually what it is

Joshua:  Also, why do you feel there existence this separation into the "Two Earths" then?

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  This would be for the population to separate from each other.

(Editor's Note - I would assume by this comment it refers to that a person's vibration frequency would determine whether a person would move into "Terra" or the 5th Dimensional Earth and that conceivably, it won't be possible for the lessons of life for the people in the "Two Earths" to mix then.)

Joshua:  I know in book #3 you mention parallel worlds - what information have been given to you about the idea of parallel Earths? By this idea do you mean that in a slightly different vibrational state there is another Earth very similar to this Earth (like what the tv show "Sliders" showed in the U.S.) where there is another aspect of ourselves who is us (spiritually and might also appear the same), where this other part of
ourselves makes different decisions? How many parallel Earths might exist? Has there always been parallel
Earths or was there ever a time when these parallel worlds did not exist and then something happened where parallel earth emerged?

(Editor's Note - I asked the last part of this question, if parallel worlds/Earths always existed because when I was in Holland, a group of us had a vision or soul memory that during some time when Atlantis existed, they performed a very complicated and risky experiment which went out of control.  And in order to preserve the integrity of the universe, during the moment when time or reality was disrupted, somehow the thoughts in the minds of the scientist at ground zero were used to form the basis of parallel Earths, what they believed to be true. It was an interesting discussion to say the least!!)

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  I think it has always existed and there may be an infinite number of parallel Earths.

Has any of your clients, when the Higher Self is speaking through them that has discussed what could be coming up in our world in the future - a type of prophecy as it were?  However, since where our
higher self does exist there is no time in space, have they discussed any specific events to come since they can see forward and backwards in time?  Is there any key events we should watch out for? Or what about into the farther future, have the higher self of these clients ever discussed that our world would eventually sees a Golden Age of Peace?

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  As the future is not set in stone - prophecies or predictions are rarely given.  Many times the client would be shown a past-life that paralleled current events in the client's present life.

Joshua: Now as your assistant Nancy knows, my life partner Katrina and I work very closely with the crystal skulls and if memory serves me correctly when I did meet you (Ms. Cannon) before I think I had a chance to speak about the crystal skulls. I am curious if at any time during a session with one of your client if this subject came up and if so what type of information was shared? 

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  This subject is something that will be discussed in "The Convoluted Universe, Book Five".  This book is expected to be released next year.

Joshua: Ms. Cannon, of all the sessions you have had, of all the information you have collected, in this moment of time in 2014, what do you believe is the most important, valuable, powerful insights you have received which you feel -- you know -- you intuit is vital to share with other people around our world about who we truly are or what is our true essence?

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  The main message has been that we are great and powerful beings who can create and manifest anything we want.  The state of health of the body is just a manifestation.

Joshua:  Ms. Cannon, do you have some future projects you are working upon that you would like to let our visitors know about - either new books you are writing and researching; other author's books being released by your publishing company; some new direction you are going or what about your radio show, etc???

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  On our website (shown below in the next question)  we have our latest books coming out shown in "Coming Soon" and "Pre-print Specials".  I have two books coming out very soon - "The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge" and "The Convoluted Universe, Book Five".

Joshua:  If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to either share some new information linked to your studies or wanted ask some questions, what is the best way to do this? What are your main websites?

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  Contact information --;    Main websites -- and

Joshua:  Finally is there anything else you wish to share, that has not been covered by any of the previous questions asked that you feel it is important for the readers of this interview they show know? Or is the some other message you wish to share about from the books in your "The Convoluted Universe Series"?

Dolores Cannon (thru Nancy & Julia):  Remember who you are - Great and Powerful Beings!!!  You can create and manifest anything!

Joshua:  Ms. Cannon thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions. We really honor the work you are doing and the key knowledge and information you are receiving via your sessions and research which you are sharing with others through books and public appearances as its very amazing. Thank you again.


(Joshua Shapiro and Katrina Head are known as the Crystal Skull Explorers.  They have dedicated their lives
to not only studying and researching the mysteries crystal skull but many other world mysteries and other paranormal based activities.  Mr. Shapiro is one of the most respected experts on the crystal skulls and has been a featured guest on a number of documentaries shown recently since the last Indiana Jones film was aired in 2008.  The Crystal Skull Explorers' website contains a great deal of additional information about the crystal skulls and the paranormal including a free e-book, a free newsletter, numerous articles and the various books they have authored. To learn more about the explorers, feel free to visit their website at:

Other Pages connected with Dolores Cannon,


Thank you for your order and interest.  We are constantly on the outlook for more special and rare books to offer to our various friends and extended family who visit our websites and are members of our newsletters.

Peace and Light always

Joshua & Katrina
the Crystal Skull Explorers


- don't forget to check out new book, (Printed Edition and PDF Format) "Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers: Travel Log #2 - Search for the Blue Skull in Peru" - about Joshua's three amazing travels into Peru from 1997-2002 searching for the legendary "Blue Crystal Skull" - perhaps his most important book he has ever written. The printed version is published by Global Communications, we also offer a PDF version (with all the pictures in color) as well as there is a Kindle e-book version you can order through Amazon.

To learn more and get your copy from the Crystal Skull Explorers go to: