(the original title of this book was called,
“A Dweller of Two Planets”, it was credited
to Phylos the Thibetan, of which the channel
for the soul of Phylos, was a young man named
Frederick S. Oliver, originally finished in 1886 .)

A Dweller on Two Planets is one of the most special and powerful books ever published. We are grateful to Tim Beckley at Global Communication (our publisher of our Blue Skull book) for yet again reviving a key and special book that is out of print, one that was originally released in the late 1800's. This book is considered to be a classic, so now to all of the students of the paranormal and ancient earth history, you have an opportunity to get a copy of this book easily.  Within this new edition, we see that its title has been changed by Mr. Beckley and his usual and traditional form as revives such old books he has invited various associates to join him to add new information which is linked to the original content of this book. If you are as excited to get a copy of this rare rare book as we are equally excited to make it available to you at a small discount and don't have to read more, just click on the following link here to go to the ordering section below.  Thanks again to Mr. Beckley for granting to the members of our newsletter a slight discount on this book!! We apologize in advance for providing so much information to explain what this book contains, but as Joshua will explain below, there is a reason why this is absolutely necessary.
by Joshua Shapiro

When I was first traveling on faith in the early 1980’s through California, and didn't really knowing what I was doing or why, even before I met my first very old crystal skull, I stayed with a family in Mill Valley, California, in 1982, where I had a chance to read this book. Little did I know what affect this book would have upon me or how it would change my life.

It is amazing to me, how in the late 1800’s and early part of the 1900’s, there were a variety of spiritually linked books that were released which contained very deep and profound spiritual information that had never been discussed before publicly. I am talking about the type of information that reveals key inner information and spiritual truths from our ancient past. This book, A Dweller of Two Planets was no exception to this.  Why this is the first book I have ever read that discussed the sacred place known to the Native Americans as Mt. Shasta, which I had not really heard of before and I was only a few hundred miles away from this mountain as I was reading the book. I would actually visit Mt. Shasta a few months later due to the inspiration I gained from the book.  Plus, also this book provided the first detailed description about what life was truly like in Atlantis and how the "Sun" was called Incal by the Atlanteans. This term is very close to the name Inca, or the Incas from Peru who could be very closely linked to the Atlanteans, at least their descendants who fled the island when it was destroyed and were inwardly guided to go to Peru (Note: again I have soul memories of doing this which is linked to the Blue Skull that I have written about).

So the main two time periods covered in this book includes Atlantis (Phylos’ life there) and later his reincarnation as a gold miner who discovers Mt. Shasta and has all type of adventures there. There is absolutely no doubt but this powerful book definitely awakened special soul memories inside of me and changed my life forever. This was because the details which Phylos shares of these two lifetimes were are so real that it stirred inner memories inside of me. I would say that beside the other book we offer about Atlantis ( via the Philosophical Publishing Company, the publishing arm of the Rosicrucians entitled “Our Story of Atlantis”), this book is the other one I have read that gives to its reader a very accurate portrayal of what it was like to live in Atlantis.  I am so pleased that Tim Beckley has decided to re-print this book, it is literally one of the most important books every published in my opinion and if you haven't read it already, you must get your own copy, there is a special energy that the book caries which will touch you in a deep way!!

In order to best explain why we feel the value of this book is priceless, we are quoting from two different sources. First, we paraphrase information given on Wikipedia (a living library of knowledge anyone can share information on, via the internet) and secondly, we share the contents of the back cover of this new edition. Again I apologize for all the information we are sharing on this single page, but this is due to the fact that we can not say enough about the valuable of this book. By the time you finish this page, you will know definitively if this book is for you. This is the type of book that is alive with energy and consciousness and finds it's way to the right people when they are ready to read it.

thank you and enjoy, 


Normal Price $27.00
for our members special discount of $1.50

List Price: $25.50
8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Black & White on White paper
214 pages
Inner Light - Global Communications

Edited, Modernized & Abridged by
-- Sean Casteel, with new material by
Nick Redfern, Timothy Green Beckley
and Paul Dale Roberts


From Wikipedia:

A Dweller on Two Planets or also known asThe Dividing of the Way was a book written by
Frederick S. Oliver, who was born in 1866. The book was initially completed in 1886 and in 1894 the manuscript was typewritten and copyrighted. It was not officially published until 1905, by his mother Mary Elizabeth Manley-Oliver, six years after Oliver's death in 1899.  Oliver states that this book is a true account (which he channeled) of “Phylos the Thibetan” (in the 1952 edition done by Bordon Publishing, he was called “Yol Gorro”)

Summary of What the Book is About:

In the book’s introduction, Oliver claims that the book had been channeled through him via automatic writing, visions and mental "dictations", by a spirit calling himself “Phylos the Thibetan” who revealed the story to him over a period of three years, beginning in 1883.

The book claims that "Phylos" lived in Atlantis as the store depicting "Phylos" life and experience there are shared in first person. "Phylos" tells us about what the Atlantean Culture was like and discusses their advance technologies and their science. He called the culture the "Poseid Society" and the people were "Poseidi". Some of the technology revealed in the book include antigravity air ships, submarine, television, wireless telephones and high speed trains which if you think about it, all of these technologies (even antigravity via the crashed UFOs we have now) is fairly common place in our modern world.

Throughout the book, various esoteric subjects are covered including karma and re-incarnation.  After the first part of the book on Atlantis is completed, then "Phylos" talks about his last earthly incarnation in the western part of the US in the 19th century where he encounters some of the same souls that he knew in Atlantis. His name in this lifetime was Walter Pierson and he was a gold miner. When he visits Mt. Shasta, he has contact with spiritual and occult adapts living within this sacred mountain and also discusses going in his light body on a visit Venus where he meets the people who live in another dimension in this world of which we can not see with our physical eyes.

Publication Notes: A Dweller on Two Planets or The Dividing of the Way
Author - Frederick S. Oliver (within the book, Oliver attributes it to "Phylos the Thibetan")
Country - United States of America; Language - English; Genre(s) - Metaphysics, occult;
Publisher: Baumgardt Publishing Company; Publication date: 1905; Pages: 423
Other Editions: An Earth Dweller's Return 1940; and Atlantis Speaks Again 1960
Newest Edition: The Secrets of Mount Shasta and A Dweller on Two Planets 2013

From the Back of this New Book's Cover



Now read our UPDATED NEW EDITION -- Edited  And Grammatically Revised For
Easier Comprehension For The Modern Reader By Sean Casteel With New Material
Added By Nick Redfern, Timothy Green Beckley And  Paul Dale Roberts.

The original DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS is said to be one of the most
important texts of the 19th Century. For over a hundred years it has been
passed around among those seeking the true Spiritual Path to life. Many have said
it has impacted them greatly. Actress Shirley MacLaine had little interest in the
occult when she was browsing in a Hong Kong bookstore only to have this work
literally fall into her hands. It led to many changes in her life and a
metaphysical best seller of her own, Out On A Limb.

Young author/channel Frederick S. Oliver spins a tale so compelling and so spiritually
uplifting that it is doubtful that it was written by him alone as a human being.
The reader will immediately see that such a wealth of detail about Atlantis and
the spiritual reality could not be conjured from the imagination of an
eighteen year old while working as a simple fence mender for his father, who
raised cattle near their home along the base of the mysterious and
legendary Mount Shasta in Northern California.

Oliver foreshadows much of what would come after him, like the feminist
movement of the 20th Century, the coming of UFOs with their external multicolored
revolving lights and the interiors of the craft lit by some unseen light source,
details verified repeatedly by modern day alien abductees and UFO contactees.
In fact, many of the illustrations in this book of cigar-shaped craft look
remarkably like the ships said to have been photographed by George Adamski
and others decades later. Oliver, while in the channeling state, held in the
thrall of an Atlantean and ancient Tibetan soul, also predicts television and
cell phones in a time that predated even rudimentary radio.

Says Sean Casteel, who updated this major work into modern grammar and
phraseology: “The moral dynamics of the story will hold you spellbound, as the sins
of one man’s incarnation in Atlantis are repaid in his life as a gold miner in the
American West. The story of the latter’s initiation into a deeply secret gathering
of spiritual adepts and how it leads to adventures in other dimensions will
open your eyes to mysteries you never knew existed. . .This book is truly
a message from the other side and contains within it countless solutions to
the many enigmas we contemplate today. It will restore your faith
in the coming of a New Age promised land.”

In addition to the “modernized text” you will join researchers Nick Redfern,
TimBeckley and Paul David Roberts as they reveal the many mystical secrets
of Mount Shasta, widely regarded as a transformational vortex. Learn of inner
earth entrances, the man who lives forever, the existence of Bigfoot
on Mount Shasta, and ghost stories that will thrill you.


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Secrets of Mt. Shasta and Dweller on Two Planets

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Thank you for your order and interest.  We are constantly on the outlook for more special and rare books to offer to our various friends and extended family who visit our websites and are members of our newsletters.

Peace and Light always

Joshua & Katrina
the Crystal Skull Explorers

email: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com

- don't forget to check out new book, (Printed Edition and PDF Format) "Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers: Travel Log #2 - Search for the Blue Skull in Peru" - about Joshua's three amazing into Peru from 1997-2002 searching for the legendary "Blue Crystal Skull" - perhaps his most important book he has ever written also published by Global Communications.

To learn more about this amazing new book by the Crystal Skull Explorers go to: